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蘭颂餐厅 La chansonnière

—— 味蕾荡漾的诗意空间  |  The poetic space of taste


地点: 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥语言文化中心 B 座 1 层  |  Site Location:Beijing, China

项目面积:  305 m²  |  Area:305 m²

设计公司: GB SPACE 高白空间设计事务所  |  Design Firm: GB SPACE

设计师: 高文毓、白杨、张婧   |  Designer: Gao Wenyu, Bai Yang, Zhang Jing

视频:王宁  |  Video: Wang Ning


La chansonnière 蘭颂餐厅是 GB SPACE(高白空间设计事务所) 设计的一家结合新媒体沉浸式体验用餐的高端法餐厅,位于北京市朝阳区酒仙桥语言文化中心B座1层,项目总面积305平米。

La chansonnière is a high-end French restaurant designed by GB SPACE, featuring new media immersive dining experience. This project is located on the first floor, block B, Jiuxianqiao language and cultural center, Chaoyang district, Beijing. The total area of the project is 305 square meters.



The design inspiration comes from the moment when the sense of taste is stimulated by delicious food as if the water ripples in the mouth, evoking the senses throughout the body, fully immersed in the French gourmet experience with a long and lingering aftertaste. Using water as the main design element, the designers choose white color to keep the whole space pure and clean, just like the white canvas set off a feast and create a sense of ritual for the dining experience.


为了实现水波的氛围,我们运用了大量的曲线元素,天花区域我们利用悬挂的面料做成了曲线的波澜,随着风吹动,如同水波荡漾起来,是一种动态的水。窗帘运用同样的面料进行叠加,增强了空间层次感,在墙面上我们通过 3d 打印技术设计了一条条的曲线装饰线,地面水磨石上嵌入了弯曲的 金属线呼应整个风格,线面结合的设计方式将空间中的曲线元素统一了起来。

We use a lot of curved elements in order to create the atmosphere of water ripples. In the ceiling area, we use the suspended fabric to make the curve of the waves, which is a kind of dynamic water when the wind blows. The curtains are superimposed with the same fabric to increase the sensation of spatial depth. Regarding the wall decoration, we design curved lines through 3D printing technology. For the floor decoration, the curved metal lines are embedded within the terrazzo, responding to the overall style. In addition, the perfect combination of the line and surface is utilized to organize the curved elements in the space.



The restaurant not only provides the function of dining, but also serves as a place for socialization experience. We set a variety of dining scenes in the space as well as different seating arrangments through the division of the area. With capacities ranging from 2 to 12 guests, we cater to the needs of different dining scenes. The central area is seperated by translucent materials so that different areas are physically divided but visually connected. When people walk around, they will be delighted as they see different dimensions of space.



We create a private room by incorporating immersive dining experience through new media. The new media technology updates its content in a timely manner so that more immersive scenes could be produced combining better dishes and services, bringing guests a richness of sensory experience. We also utilize technical means to allow doors open and close without touching for a purpose of enhancing guests’ experience as well as their sense of ritual in this space.



In terms of lighting, we use dimming system to control different dining scenes in the space. The hidden lights are broadly used in the ceiling, illuminating the space with a reflective light. It combines with spotlights above dining table in all directions as the key light source, setting off a warm and comfortable atmosphere.


空间中运用了白色系的墙纸、水磨石、纱、以及透明亚克力营造了纯白的视觉效果,并放置了两处 “水”掉落瞬间的艺术装置,静态的水和动态的波纹融入到环境中增强了空间体验。软装搭配了木色和丝绒面料家具,增强了舒适性,让人更好的享受这场味觉盛宴。

White wallpaper, terrazzo, yarn, and transparent acrylic are used as the main materials in the space, creating a pure white visual effect. There are two installations which mimic the moment when water droplets fall. The designed static and dynamic water elements ingeniously fit into the surrounding environment and thus enhance the immersive experience. The wooden and velvet furniture also make guests feel right at home and enjoy the feast.


